Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My BiG AdVenTureS WiTh My FriEnD MiCheLLe and MiKey

 Good Morning or Good afternoon to some of you!!! hope your week has been a good one.;) Last thursday after the tree fell on the shed..I had an eye appt. it had been 2 years so I was due to get the eyes checked and I had told them I would like to try had been 20+ years since I had tried them and I knew technology had to be better so they let me loose with them..I did pretty darn stinking good getting them in my eyes too..(it would take me about 15-20 minutes in the past..This gal educated me on how to get them in and out and it was sooooo  easy..I am now in the process of wearing them for a week (which I have done already) and went back yesterday to see if they could give me a "reader" one and "distance" I can't see anything close up I mean I can't get my hand far enough away from my face and still can't reading labels or hymn books was hard and I didn't want to wear my "reading glasses" or make sure I have them on me at all they said they could give me a reader contact for one eye..(my left) as it is NOT the dominant eye..its a bit weird but I can see better close up..although one eye (my left is now a bit blurry) for now I wear these for a week and I go back next wednesday to see which ones I will choose..I will also get a pair of regular glasses as there will be days I will not wear my contacts and I can't see Jack without them..other then that I like wearing contacts..hubby is still getting used to me not wearing then on friday the 6th of July I went boating with my gal pal Michelle and her son Mikey..we were going to go to the movies..but with the gorgeous weather we were having we just had to go out on her boat and go crabbing/fishing..the above photo is our dock (where I live in Indianola) was a low tide..and there was a boat sitting on the sand waiting for the tide to come back in..the tide goes so low that you can literally walk out to the end of the dock..and from what Michelle told me there is a car at the bottom that has been there since the 50's as that dock used to be a ferry dock..
 now we use it for fishing..playing in the water..fireworks..its where they do our fireworks every year right before the 4th of july..and the house to the left of the dock looking at the photo is where I spent watching the fireworks that night..the best seat in the it is Michelle's daughter's house..

 Michelle decided to throw her pole in to see what she would catch and within 4 minutes she caught a flounder..
 she tried to put him back in..but he swallowed the hook and had to cut off his she used it as bait and when we had nothing on the line..she pulled it back in to get it off her hook once and for all and the thing kept biting her without a was weird...I am sure it was reflex..but it was still weird..
 we set out the crab pots and then went toodling around the Puget sound looking at houses and just enjoying the cool breeze running through our hair...Oooooohhhh Honey? (remind you of a peppermint patty commerciail)? got 5 crabs that day
 sorry the pics look like I cut them off but with the sun glare it was hard to tell what I was taking a photo of..we caught rock and dungeness crabs..
 this is a boy crab..I got educated on how you can tell..his underside is more pointy in the center and the females are more rounded..and you are not allowed to keep females..they must populate the earth..
 measuring to make sure they are keepers..
 Mikey dragging in a crab pot..that was both our jobs..great for the arms..dang those pots are heavy..especially with crabs in them..
 that is a girl crab..and back in the water she went..
 oh what a glorious day it was...
 loved seeing the boats out on the was the best 4 hours ever and I didn't get burned..just a slight pink on one of my shoulders..and I wore my contacts with a groovy new pair of sunglasses..( I got two new pairs of sunglasses) at sporty pair that have the glass/mirror lenses and my girly pair..they are white with gem stones on the outer corners..they sent us home with 2 crabs so on saturday night we had crabe cakes and they were tasty...on Tuesday this week we hit the movies and saw Brave and I ate crab cakes at her place as they had caught 7 more on monday...oh my my..I do love friend Michelle got so tan..almost read that we are calling her "the Tanning Mom" that you have been seeing on tv...(she doesn't look like that
here is a sneek peek at what I did this past involved 2 flats of the most delicious strawberries eva!!! will share that in the next post along with how the yard is coming thats a story..have a wonderful rest of your week..I am off to play in the garage and go through stuff and price it out for my big 3 day sale/crafting event next friday-sunday..gotta get rid of a lot of stuff and holiday stuff..will take photos..might have to post some of it online with what ever doesn't sale....thanks for stopping by and talk to you again soon...AAAAHHHHH summer is finally here for us..and it is wonderful...:)


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day! I remember catching fresh crabs when I lived out east! Yum! Glad you've recovered from your "Crash!"

  2. Looks like a fun time, Gina!

    I want to make freezer jelly with strawberries. Is that what you did? :)

    Hope you're getting your shed and yard back in order after the mishap!


    1. Hey Tammy no, I canned mine as I don't have any room for freezer jam..would be easier..but I don't have the room;)

  3. What a fun day! Wish I'd been there. . .

  4. Looks like you had alot of fun!!! Those berries are gorgeous, our local ones here are done for the seasons, blueberries are ripe for the picking now:) I am due for an eye exam too, my reading glasses just aren't cutting it anymore *sigh* have a great day!!!

  5. Sounds (and looks) like you had a great time! I have been on those very same waters when visiting family in that area.

    I have both the bifocal contacts and the mono vision contacts. I haven't decided which ones I like best yet.

    Oh those berries look so good! Our berry season ended in late April this year because of the mild winter we had.

  6. Sounds and looks like you had a lot of fun!! Hope you have a great show next weekend!!

  7. Good Morning
    Oh what a beautiful day you had on the boat.
    Looks like you had lots of fun too.
    We are not having a enjoyable summer. Heat and humidty is so bad. My pool water is thick warm.
    I have begun my Fall count down. I do hope your summer stays wonderful.
    Hugs Friend

  8. Wow! SO much fun. I love seafood too.The Puget Sound is lovely. What a great day you guys had. Can't wait to see you with the contacts. I have worn my non stop every day for 31 years!

  9. Oh Gina Gina Gina you lucky lady! If there was anyone who is jealous of your day on the boat crabbing, this is the lady! Just looking at the water is soothing!
    Those crabs look great.. I bet the crab cakes were really yummy!

    Good to hear that the contacts are actually working out for you...but I still think you are one of the lucky ladies who looks awesome in glasses especially with your adorable hair cuts! Not many can pull that off lookin sexy & Sassy...

    Yummy Strayberry jams & jelly! Beautiful berry's. Ours are done for the year but the stores have been carrying some really yummy Strawberry' I've been buying them and eating them with yogurt... one of my fav's!!

    Hope you got most of the stuff sorted in the garage

    Have a great weekend!

