Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Friday, June 1, 2012

TiMbeRRRRRRRR!!!! GarDen, RaNdOm KiTteHs, ShOpPinG, & MoRe....

 Good Morning my fellow bloggers..this is going to be a super long hang onto your seats and get soomething to eat and drink..On May 21st, 22nd and 23rd...we had that tree that you see above removed!!..this tree was over 110 feet tall and about 75 feet starts out as a 5 trunk tree then goes to 7 trunks..this baby was big..and while we loved the shade it provides for the summer..the mess it leaves in fall is just too much..we still have 3 more trees that drop their leaves..but we need to work our way through this wood before it rots on us then we will take out the rest..tired of the mess..(I am sounding like a broken record) as you all know how I feel about these trees..
 another view before she went down..Ryan our tree guy says we have about 10 cord of wood and depending on our winters 3-5 years of now we have 12 cord (we have our neighbors tree as well) ..we are still hoping the ones in the front yard go bye still working on that one...
 here is Ryans big chipper ready to mulch up the leaves and branches..his team of 2 other guys..Bill and Dan were awesome..they all did such a great job of making sure our yard looked like no one had been there..and they all had smiles on their faces..and pretty cute to boot..I fed them all 3 was the least I could do for these hard working guys..they definitely earned their money on this one..I have a whole new appreciation for what these guys do...
 there's Ryan limbing it all..
 almost done limbing this bad girl..or is it boy..:)
 he looks like an ant up there...

 that was the last one to this point they started dropping them down to 8-10 foot sections then cutting them into 12 inch logs for us to split down the road...
 this is whats left..wish it could have come down a bit more..but I will have to plant something in front of can see I started decorating the "older" stump in front..that one was alot taller and had been there for about 15 years..

 see the big rhodie there?
 now you don't...we had them take it out as it was competing with the flowering cherry and we have 2 other rhodies..the yard is much more open now..and there will be less if I could just get rid of those other maples in front..I would be a much more happy camper..but this will certainly cut back my time this coming fall ...and for that I am grateful.;)
 Stanley Manely helping me piddle in the yard and take photos of the yard...he is my big squishy kitteh..
 the whole back portion is covered in logs...what a site..can you see Tucker..he is enjoying the sunshine too...

 anyone want to come and help us split this? we have a splitter..and I will cook for you..

 here is my new favorite spot in the yard..I couldn't wait to decorate I took plants from around the yard and here you go..our yard has so much more sun now that the tree is gone..the plants in the side front yard (shown below) are getting more hopefully they will do better..and when we add the addition to our house (the sun room) it will definitely be a sun room..which will be nice here in washington..
 these are all sunflowers that I planted..I need to get more pots out and transplant some of these..but they are loving the new area..
 these roses are all in bloom now..this was taken right before..this is my lemon rose..and its smells just like lemon..
 the back yard..(you can see the neighbors stump) more maple..yippee..;)
 the hopps are doing well....
 the garden is doing well..this is the lettuce, cabbage and arugula portion..
 this is the kittehs garden..I love the salmon/peach colored poppies..there are 9 blooms..I love love love this plant..I need to get more in different colors..I love the pods when they are done too..
 with the big rhodie gone you can see into our house more now..
 it really opened up the space..

 the foxglove, and yellow poppies and columbine are all in bloom..I love this time of year and seeing all the colors...
 Millies new favorite spot to sleep now..on top of my craft cabinet...she is such a pretty girl..;)
 on tuesday..I started destashing..I have toooooo much stuff in my little home and its starting to drive me nuts..not to mention the time it takes to dust those brown jugs are outta here..
 as is the dolls and kittehs..there are two more dolls (not shown) that are outta here as well..I have a whole lot more sitting here in my craft room that I need to haul out..need to get it priced so I don't have to worry about it come july..

 sorry that one is sideways...the little purple pot is now on my front porch..I also removed a table from the front porch..its up in the might be going to my sale in July..still need to go through a whole lot more stuff..might just have to do a garage sale so I don't have to haul it..but the show I do will get more people at I have to suck it up..and haul it I guess..
 this past wednesday I went out with my pal Michelle window shopping..although I did some shopping..I got this cute note pad and this mustach key ring..when you push the button it says: "welllll Helllloooo there" this manley sort of swagger made me giggle..and I got a really cute hippy hat to wear on our walks...
 on thursday I did the big day of shopping..I hit joanns and got some stuff for my purses I am making..lace...
 handle/strap fabric..
 and fabric for the bags..I love that first the aqua with the green and reds..there is canvas, dirty levi and a soft weave sort of canvas...
 some trinkets to put on the purses...
 and yesterday we were without power from 9am till 12:40pm so I sat and crocheted flowers..these will either be brooches to put on jackets or to put on belts to dress up an outfit..I made a smaller flower and then crocheted a now I have a flower choker to wear..they are super cute on..I am really getting into the country cottage farmhouse look these days..I am no longer enjoying the primitive magazines any more..they just don't appeal to much stuff in some of these places..guess its time for a change..
I love this photo..I found it on facebook I looks just like our Goose..and this would totally be something she would do..
Its official..I finally hit goal..I am down 87 pounds as of today..I would like to get 5 more off..but will be happy to maintain this weight..I am super happy....I love getting dressed up again..that is way too much fun..and feeling confident about myself again..and being able to move with ease and not be in starting weight was 242 pounds and I am at 155...would like to get to we shall see..this has been a long road..but totally worth the has taught me to love every aspect of the weight loss and feeling good through out this journey..thank you all for the words of encouragement and support.. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend..I am going to a bbq for a farewell for a couple that are moving to Indiana...(they go to my church) and I will really miss these folks.. well I am off to get some breakfast and then do some sewing..;) take care,
Gina ;)


  1. I always ♥ the pics of your yard and WOW that was a big tree!!! Lots of fire wood though:) We cut down one of our old mulberry trees a few weeks ago, hated to see it go but the truck was hollowed out and rotting, if it would have fallen itself it would have damaged several of our apples trees! Have a great day!!!!

    1. Hey Carmen, ours was just starting to rot too..but we had the money and it was time to take it is your diet coming along? have a great weekend.;)

  2. Honey I am still laughing over they were cute too. lol
    So are you OMG 87 pounds you must feel like a million dollars. I know I would if I could loose even 20. I am happy and proud of you.
    Your home is so cute. I love how you have your yard fixed up so pretty too. Wish we were neighbors I could use advice on yard and loosing weight.
    Well if your getting rid of stuff I don't know if you would be interested in entering my giveaway. haha But love to have you put your name in the hat.
    I have been wanting to do something with my Temptations site have you got any ideas.
    Miss you
    Love ya

    1. Hey Maggie..they were cute...not going to lie...and funny too..I do feel amazing..still can't believe it was just by eating right and walking..I haven't been to the temptations site in no ideas here..have a great weekend.;)

  3. Congrats on you weight loss! It's not an easy task, I know. Your house and yard look great and I love the kitty pics!

  4. Your home is beautiful. I really like the color. It must feel so good to finally have the big tree and rhodies out of the way.

    I am so SO happy for you on your weight loss. I too lost a bunch years ago and it has been a struggle to keep it off but I feel so much better. I went from 226 to 145. I used to wake up with heartburn and I don't get it at all anymore. So many health benefits!

    Big {{hugs}} to you!

    1. Hey Peggy Lee, thank you for the compliment on the yard..I do hope it will be easier come fall..and kudo's on your weight loss..the health benefits are amazing to say the least..and buying clothes is so much fun..I will tell you I will never tire of it..and wearing hats and jewelry is great fun too.;)have a great weekend.;)

  5. Boy I tell ya Ms Gina..You have every reason on earth to fell great, look great and be proud of what you have accomplished. Its hard to lose but it feel so good..The way you lost your weight was the best way..& a great example for others who have been following your progress..Its a long road but it is also healthier mentally and physically because your body reajust right along with your mentality of losing and keeping it off. You've learned to be patient,and good to your body by eating healthy and exersising..Stand tall and be proud you've earned it!
    You look Fabulous Darling!!
    That was one huge tree and wow 12 cords of wood for the old wood stove! I'd say that the good Lord planted that tree in just the perfect place..It shaded you for years and it also helped you with your diet raking all those leaves and now it will keep you and Hubby toasty warm..Way cool!
    The yard is much more open for sure...
    I would have such a fun time creating an awesome flowerbed around those stumps with rocks..maybe a Bird bath & a few shepards hooks with hanging feeders or Humming bird flowers..What fun that would be...I love your yard it is so inviting!
    So cleanin house huh...have fun!
    Sounds like you're gona be busy the next few weeks getting ready for the July Sale..

    Thanks for stopping by and Thank you for your prayers.

    Have a Great Weekend!


    1. Tonya, you always say the nicest things..and it truly means alot to you have given me some great ideas for that stump...will have to toss that around a bit...have a great weekend are still in my don't give up..;)

  6. Gina,
    You know that I love Country Cottage Farmhouse style!!
    Your yard looks so much more open with the tree gone. We had 5 trees taken down when we purchased our home 19 years ago and we have a couple more that we would like to get down sometime.
    Congrats on the weight loss!! I've lost 17 lbs now and have gone down a size in my clothes. Have about 20 more that I need to lose.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. wwwaaahhhooo on your weight loss!!! and down a size...oh you must feel so good...keep it up sista...and I am with you on the new look of CC Farmhouse..have a fantastic weekend as well.:)

  7. Congratulations! WHat an accomplishment to lose all that weight. You look amazing. I was sad you had to take the rhodie them! I wish I could've come to dig it up and bring it here! Sometimes it is good to go through the house and weed through all your stuff...I do that too. It refreshes your spirit! Have a great weekend!

  8. Morning
    Wow that was a big job.And how wonderful to have all that wood. Congrats on your weight loss. I too love Cottage Farmhouse.Congrats on the weight loss you go girl!
    Have a great weekend.
    Love & Hugs

  9. hi, Gina~ Wow, that was a huge tree!!!
    Your gardens look pretty as always~ and love the calico~ purrr~
    Congrats on hitting your Goal~ Way to Go!!!
    have a great weekend~

  10. Your yard and gardens are stunning! Hubby used to help an arborist take down trees--yours was GINORMOUS, holy cow.
    Congrats on your weight loss! What a great accomplishment. We went mostly veggie and all "whole" foods about a year ago and it made a big difference in my energy level.

    1. Hey there, yep it was a huge tree..wish I had the "staples" easy button to get it all cut and our church comes through and we get some help..I am with you..I am trying to go more veggie carbs and doing less of the bread type..but I do love my I try to keep it low..tell me what "whole" foods are..I am probably doing it..but just don't know the term.;) have a great thursday and give them kittehs a love for me.:)

  11. Gina - stumbled upon your blog - love your kitties and congratulations on your weight loss - I like to think of it as releasing weight -instead of losing - means hopefully we don't find it again - although from time to time I seem to find some again - smiling. Thanks for sharing - your blog is wonderful. God Bless You.

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hey..I just stopped by yours and am now a where you live and love those kittehs,;) yes I hope I don't ever gain that weight back..having too much fun buying clothes and just loving how good I feel.;) have a wonderful rest of your week,;)
