Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Monday, June 11, 2012

HoW I SpenT My WeeKenD

 Good Monday morning all!!! I had a wonderful relaxing weekend..cleaned house and got my spray tan on for the week..I went a bit darker..and I am so loving being "tan"..takes years off and pounds too..its all about shading gals.;) after church yesterday I took my crocheting supplies outside on the back deck and my Sunny Kitteh and I made owl hats..I did one on friday night..2 on saturday and 4 yesterday..:)
 the pink one was my first one..Oh I love these faces..and what a fun fun pattern..I almost have it memorized..

 these are the same pattern without the faces..doing them in "football" colors..the one on the left is for Raiders and the purple and gold is for Washington Huskies..doing them in all the local football colors and will do some to order for your team too..the owl hats are 14.00 each and the plain ones are was glorious yesterday so I got some more sun on these bones to give me more color for when this fades..and today is supposed to be in the 70' going to be working on that huge wood pile and getting a "dump" run going..gotta make room for all that wood..will post photos of all of it onces its done..which won't be for a long!!! time..I hope you all have a great week..


  1. hi, Gina~ oh, they big eyes are adorable~ wonderful job~

  2. Hello there Gina!
    you sure never lack for ambition........wish I'd find some ;-) The new owl hats are darling.
    Haven't been blogging much, to much happening lately but hopefully today is the start of things settling down as I'd love to get back into creating. I really need to start on fall and Halloween goodies.
    Hope you are enjoying some nice weather.
    hugz and blessings,

  3. Thought Id stop In to see how you folks were doing! Richard

  4. Love those hats. SO cute. Are they for kids or adults?
    You are a talented gal

    1. These in particular are babies, toddlers and kids hats..but I can make them in adults too..:)

  5. The little owl hats are so cute! It's too hot to sit out here, at least for me, in the mid 90's already. I need to drag out my crochet hook, it has been years since I crocheted, but love looking at all your creations.

  6. Love the Owl hats!

    You need to make us some CAT hats!!! LOL! I would totally wear it! >^..^<

    Carmen and the Primcats

  7. Gina,
    The owl hats are adorable!!
    Have a great week.

  8. Gina you have really been busy. I agree a tan takes off I just got back from fla a week ago. Have a great week. amanda has hair now. It looks like Jamie Leigh Curtis

    1. oh I bet Amanda looks so cute.I love that hair cut of Jamie lee's too.;) have a great rest of your week.:)

  9. Love those hats! I will have to order one for my Caitlin this Fall! Hope you are enjoying your week!

  10. Gina, I love the hats, very cute. I have seen a similar style of hats at some shops, must be all the rage. I would definitely wear one, especially in the bitter months when I tend to get ear aches. Can't wait to see your next projects.
    Country at heart

  11. Hey Girl

    Just love the Owl hats!!!


  12. Oh my goodness, those owl hats are adorable! Joy just might have to have one of those! Do boys wear those too? Love those!

    Have a great weekend, Gina!

    1. Hey Tammy, they are cute aren't they and so much fun to make too..I would say boys could wear them..make it in more boyish colors I suppose.:) thanks for the compliment..I just finished up a cat hat..and it turned out really cute.;)have a great weekend..are you enjoying that new furniture?
