Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

GiFts FroM A WonDerFuL FrieNd JuSt BeCauSe..

Good Morning my fellow Bloggers!! this face above describes the look on my face when a sweet package arrived yesterday from my good sweet blogging buddy Linda..ready story below.;)
it is a glorious day today!!! I tell you I love the sunshine after all these dreary days of April that we had..I do love dreary days too..cause then I know I can stay at home with a nice fire and craft to my hearts content...but a sunny day just begs to be outdoors enjoying the sun..We did get to go for our walk yesterday which was nice..and we beat the rain..I even worked in the neighbors yard a bit last 1-1/2 hours worth..but it looks so much better..but still needs a ton of work and such as the immature renters we had just couldn't seem to fit it to overwhelmed by it all..thats what happens when you only do yard say never..looks like we are getting another renter the end of the month..just hope she or he does their yard work..okay for the title of my entry..I received my package from a very dear blogging buddy..who sends the bestest stuff ever!!! and it was just because she knew I would love it..and love it I do!!! Linda of Parkers Paradise sent me the most wonderful goodies and I had a great time setting them out and decorating yesterday.;) she sent me this wonderful quilted kitty.. and this blue firkin..oh I am so in love with these firkins..I know they are not real ones..but I don't care..I love them and have 3 of them from Linda.;) I have a collection finally...:)
she sent me this wonderful army blanket....
so I can make more of these..(this is Linda's)
and more of these..This is Cindys..;)
she also sent some old sweaters..might have to try and see what I can come up with for old mittens..not sure..
and she sent this wonderful kitty crock said it had my name written all over it.;) It says: a home without a cat is just a true..
sorry for the blurry photo..a cute little candle even has a little piece of pie in i can burn it and it smells yummy..;)
oh I mentioned that I wanted some of these..and my wish was my command!!!I can't wait to show you what I did with these..
one went on the dining table with my little goodies in them along with the lantern.;)sweet and simple..:)
Kitty is being kept company along with another kitty I received ina swap..I love they go nicely with my punch needle rug that I won from Jenny..:)
Here is where I put my faux firkins...don't they look superb..oh I love the if I could just get some smaller ones to work my way up..;)
Here is where I put my kitty crock on top of my hutch with my other pottery..
I used my cheese box to put my spices in on the stove..they fit they were meant to go there..
and the 3rd one went on the kitchen counter for my olive oil bottle, salt and pepper..keeps it nice and tidy and again you would swear that box was meant for these items..I love this..
just another glimpse of my wonderful goodies..;)Thank you again Linda so much for making my day truly hit the mark with these items and I will think of you when I look at them..;)
I hope you all have a wonderful day..going to take Tucky for his walk today and then park it in my craft room..I am going through all my stuff that I don't want or will never use..have a huge stash going already..will be posting this on my selling blog or this one..will be doing this in the next couple of will surely keep me busy..but it is time..too much stuff...let someone else use it..time to declutter..Take care and thanks for always stopping by and making my day..:)


  1. How sweet of Linda to surprise you with such wonderful goodies!!

  2. Gina
    Loving all your goodies~ Wonderful items!!!Yard work~HMMM~ what is that~ OHIO is rain~ rain~ you should see the yards~ high~ you would be screaming!LOL
    Wish you luck on the renters~

  3. looks like you are feeling better :), and love love love the wooden crates, and sorry to say I don't really know what firkins are?? please enlighten..

  4. Wow~Super Wow~Linda loaded you up with wonderful goodies that fit in like my Perfect Kitty and Glove fit in my house!! Gotta love the perfect match!!
    Can't wait to see what you do with the Army blanket and sweaters... they will keep your creative mind very busy!!
    Glad you had some is Flooded here again but my trenches are doing there job thank God.. I'm old and never in all my years have I seent his much rain this time of year it is just such a mess.
    Prayers for good yard working Renters this time around!!

    have a super Day my friend!!


  5. What wonderful goodies, Linda is such a sweetheart!!

  6. You got some great stuff from Linda! Love where you put it all and glad you got a walk in, no walking here, just rain, rain and more rain! Have a great day:)

  7. Gina,
    What a nice surprise! Linda is a very
    thoughtful person. That surprise package would put a smile on anyone's face. She knew just what you would like. Enjoy!
    Country at heart

  8. Great goodies from Linda!! You know that I love those firkins...a girl can't have too many of them. All the Ohio gals are right...nothing but rain here! Wonder if we will ever get out in our yards.

  9. Wow! That was very sweet of Linda to do!I think she is that kind of lady!
    I would agree that no house is a home without a kitty!
    I can relate to you having to be inside. It has been cool here as well, although I was able to do some weeding and lay the Preen down in the veggie garden.
    It's going to rain the rest of the week! Pooh!
    Have a great rest of the day!

  10. How kind of Linda to send you all that prim wonderfulness! Very pretty throughout your home! Hope the new renter(s) are more yard oriented than the last!

  11. I love your blog look. Nice things your friend sent to you. Hope it all works out with the renter. I like what you did with the crates, very nice. Hugs

  12. Glad you like the things I sent. I love to hear that you are smiling.

  13. Wow, love everything you got! Your home is lovely!

  14. Wow you hit the jackpot girlfriend with those goodies!

  15. Oh Gina! What wonderful treasures Linda sent you! That is so sweet of her!

    Glad you had sunshine! Praying we get some soon!

    Carmen and the Primcats
