Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

EveryThiNg is SlooMinG Here..WeLL almoSt eVerYtHinG..

Good Morning my fine people!!! yesterday I decided to take photos of what is blooming in my here goes..that is a Trillium that is blooming..I have 2 or 3 that are blooming right now..they came with our yard.;) they have a beautiful white flower and when they are dieing..they turn pink..
the tulips in various parts of the yard are blooming..I ripped these out last year..or so I thought to put in other parts of the yard..but a few stragglers..
the bleeding heart is blooming..native to this area..
my yellow poppies are just about to bloom..
grape hyacyinth blooming..I love these little plants..
all 3 hopps by the side of the house are getting taller by the day..they grow about 6 inches a day..Sorry Sue Mike didn't divide them up this year..this weekend he is working on getting the strings put they can start trailing up the side of the house..I love how they look by the summers it really gives the house a real "cottage" look..
my lilac has 2 buds so far...
I don't know what these are called....but they look like little onions when you plant them..
there are my 2 blooms so far..can't wait for them to open so I can smell their sweet scent..growing up we had a huge lilac bush in our back yard..I loved!!! the way it smelled..I would cut some and put in jar for our kitchen table..I love these old fashioned beauties..
my primroses and I think the blue ones are forget me knots..are blooming..the foxglove will be around the end of May first part of June..I love these freebies..they are everywhere..
forget me knots? again..these spread but I love them..
more of that purple plant that I don't know the name of..and these sweet little daisys..not a good photos..I love these..they are white and pink..
not sure what the blooming one on the left is..maybe a cousin to the right..;)
yesterday I went grocery shopping and had a 5 dollar savings coupon to I went to our local rite aid and these were buy one get one I paid $1.08 total for these..gotta love a bargain..then I went and did my grocery shopping and I went to my favorite checker..and she saved me $40.00 I got a 20% off my gotta love my total savings was 64.15..not to shabby..and I didn't give one coupon up..although I did get 3 papers and I am going through the coupons to see if there is anything I can save on..I am hooked on that extreme couponing program..and would love to save big like they is such a rush..
Well I think I have a kidney infection..not yesterday took in a urine sample (I know TMI) but I need to figure out why I don't feel top notch..any suggestions if it is? I am drinking cranberry juice..will yogurt help? any help would be greatly appreciated.. oh and I am down 18-1/2 pounds now..yippie..Hubby notices it..especially when I wear my jeans..silly man..gotta love him though..I am taking Tucky for a nice walk today and then going over next door to clean the rental unit..the crappy little renters moved out..and they didn't do any of the yard the landlord is hiring it out..too much for me to do..and cleaning up some parts that didn't get it shouldn't be too bad..the inside was better then the outside..just too much for them I now a new renter..I am getting tired of the they just don't seem to take pride in the yard..too bad..anyway I am almost finished with my brothers wall hanging..just need to get my machine back so I can finish it up..starting something else today..for a blogging buddy of mine..I think she will love it..and can't show you that till she gets mom is doing much better..she is in the rehab center now..and loves it!!! says the food is fancier than any restaurant and she gets to gab with all the ladies there..I will be going home next month at the end..looking forward to it..haven't seen anyone in 5 years..I hope you all have a wonderful weekend..;) thanks for stopping by and saying HI!! I love hearing from you.;)


  1. Yup, those sure are forget-me-nots, one of my favorite flowers! I started some from seed this year and just planted them outside, anxious to see how they will do here! All your flowers are beautiful and I watch the extreme couponing show too, it's amazing how much they save!!! Have a wonderful day and YAY on the wt. loss, so proud of you;)

  2. Gina,

    TFS all your blooms. I love, love, love spring and all that Mother Nature offers to us in eye candy.

    I would say to keep drinking plenty of fluids with the kidney infection. Trying to flush out as much bacteria as possible. Hopefully the doctor will put you on some meds and you'll feel better soon.

    Great job on the weight loss. Isn't it amazing how much better you do feel losing all that extra weight. I have 10 more pounds til I hit my target weight, then I will have to see if I need to readjust my goal. I am loving the pants feeling really loose thing!

    Have a great weekend.


  3. Beautiful plants. Glad to hear your Mom is better. Rich's Dad is doing better too! We have some of those crappy neighbors too1 Thankfully they are moving out far it looks like the owner of the mobile will have to do extensive remodel again...just did it after last tentants moved. Such a shame. Praying that you feel better soon.

  4. Hi Gina.. Love all your blooms, forget-me-nots are one of my fav's... so simple and pretty..

    Hope you get some relief soon from your kidney inf., if that is what it is..

    Blessings, Traci

  5. Loved the bloom tour! I only have three things in bloom right now... the forsythia bush, some small white flower plants I put in last year that I have no idea what they are, and some itty bitty purple violets. Spring has come very late up here, my hostas are just beginning to poke out of the ground!

    I hope you feel better with the kidney thing, just keep drinking plenty of liquids to flush it out.

  6. Gina,
    Nothing like blooming flowers to make you day. Spring has come your way.
    I am still waiting for the rain to stop here.
    Have a nice evening.
    Country at heart

  7. Sweetie, your landscape is gorgeous!I love how organized everything is. Glad your Mom is doing well. Does this mean no move?
    Couponing, huh? I've been using coupons for many years.
    I belong to this site called MY POINTS. They send me emails and I just look through them. I earn 5 points for each email I read. Every week, I get a newsletter that offers coupons. You earn points to use their coupons and you can print multiples. you trade your points in for gift cards. you can get a $10 gift card for a local restaurant, say Subway or Olive Garden for 1400 points. right now I have over 5000 points and I'm just saving them up. I also subscribe using Mike's email address so I can get double points. If you want, I can send you an invite to the group.

  8. Wow Gina... your flowers really took off and they look awesome.. It has to be such a pleasure to go outside and enjoy the beauty of Spring!!

    YeHaaaa for you on the 18 lbs lost that is awesome girlfriend just aswesome!!

    Kidney infection yuk.. other then anitbiotics Cranberry juice is the way to go and lots of water!!

    Anmother Awesom on the savings at the Grocery are the best and fun to challange self with them...

    Hope you enjoyed your walk... Have a great Sunday!!


  9. Hope you are okay now with that infection. I'm sure they will put you on an antibiotic. Glad your Mom is doing well. It's nice that she can socialize there as well. Your flowers are beautiful. Noneofours are blooming yet. In the next few weeks perhaps. I do have a ton of Lily of the Valley plants and lilys!

  10. Good morning Gina,
    I found you via Linda from Parkers' Paradise! I LOVE your home, it's very neat!
    Looking at all your flowers blooming just makes my heart sing!
    We are TRYING to have Spring here where I am, but it hasn't quite happened yet!
    I wonder if those purple flowers are Scillias. I REALLY need to get me peepers tested, I think I need glasses. How wonderful that you get all these freebies~ bleeding hearts and FMN. I think the daises are English Daisies! One of my favorites!
    I have lots of shrubs that I am awaiting to see bloom this year. What variety of Lilac do you have?
    I like the extreme couponing too! I am on the hunt for some of the on-line sites. We don't get the Sunday paper. It's fun to save money!
    I would say, continue drinking lots of water, and yogurt is a good thing too. I just recently passed a kidneystone, so I am learning to love water more! LOL! Fresh lemon helps!
    Have a great day! Looking forward to knowing you!

  11. I hope my hops take off this is such a pretty plant!
    Can't wait to see more of your beautiful yard!

  12. Yes...drink lots of water and cranberry juice.
    Glad to hear that your mom is doing better.
    Congrats on the weight loss!!

  13. hope your feeling better? and this weather has really been NICE, I do believe Spring has Sprung

  14. Happy your Mom feeling better, yard is looking beautiful, drink lots and lots of water, surely yogurt with live cultures would be helpful, the purple flower looks similar to a Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) check out: and see what you think! Not many things I buy to eat these days have coupons, I know you love those loose jeans!

  15. Your Gardens are looking lovely!

    Great job on the weight loss! You are rocking!

    You go on the couponing too! Every tip I have made so far has saved me over 70%! Woohoo! And I'm stocking up. ;)

    Sorry to hear about the kidney infection! Hope you feel better soon!

    Carmen and the Primcats
