Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WhAtCha WorKinG On WeDnEsDaY....

Hello there everyone!!! It is a beautiful day here in taking Tucker for a walk to that quaint place I showed you a while I want to get more wool for my rugs/pillows/wall hangings..yesterday I got this one cut out and I need to get it started tonight..this one is going to be a wall hanging..where the blank spot is..will be stick trees.;).its a log cabin with a kitty:) I am having so much fun with these..
I finished this one up last night..I needed to add the stitching and now it is this is going in my etsy shoppe if anyone is interested..I am also taking these to show the ladys at the quilt shoppe what I make..:)

well that is it for me..gotta run while the gettin is we are expected to get more rain..
I asked hubby to explain to me about yesterdays food storage talk about a store only having 3 days worth of food and this is what he had to say:

The average grocery store stocks approximatively 3 normal shopping days of food by this they mean if a store did not receive any deliveries within 3 normal shopping days the shelves would be empty, this does not account for panic buying where stores have been emptied within a couple of hours when hurricane are predicted to come ashore, If we had a big natural disaster there is a good chance the stores would be bought or looted empty within a few hours.

This is what I was trying to say..I just want you all to be able to care for yourselves if anything should arrise...I want my blogging buddies to be well cared for..thats all..
I hope you all have a wonderful day today..and hopefully enjoying some nice spring weather too.;)Take care and thanks for the wonderful gals are the best!!! :)


  1. Very cute pillows, hope you get your walk in before the rain comes!

  2. Really liking your pillows. Enjoy your walk. Hugs

  3. Love your pillow.
    Great job!

  4. Hi Gina
    your pillows look great and your hubby is right about the the bad snow the shelves were empty here and to be honest it is a scarey sight..Today I have made my smallest ever bear at only 1" tall he in teeny teeny tiny...I will have to do a post about him LOL..♥

  5. What a cute pillow. I love cat or animal decor. I would have blogged you earlier, but I have been having trouble getting through to your blog, probably my connection.
    Country at Heart

  6. Love the pillows Gina...are they more decorative or could they stand up to some serious use, say by me. The pillows that came with my loveseat are kind of fizzling (probably need to restuff...LOL! Let me know!

  7. Love the sweet! I hope you enjoyed your day and the walk. I have been so busy painting on our "old" new house. I appreciate all your info about storing food and preparing for the unexpected. Your husband is right, a good snow scare empties the shelves around here of all the essentials. Blessings!

  8. I just love those adorable pillows! Gotta love the kitties on them!


  9. Gina,
    Your penny rug goodies are just wonderful!! You do such a great job on them. I love the one that you sent to me...I can see it right now as I'm typing this:)
    Hope you got your walk in before the rain came.
    hugs, Cindy
