Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TuEsDays DispLay ChaiN..EasTer BasKeTs & PeNNY RuG PiLLoWs

Hello there, Well I thought I would get in on Misi's display chain..I don't do normal easter baskets because i don't have any or the room for them..I just added some fun things to this trencher and called it good..
I added some carrots and a terracotta pot to this mix..
I love this basket..I just tossed in some of my italian glass eggs to this one..
I love this little garage sale basket..its on my blanket crane..I should toss in some forsythia sticks or flowers for spring..will have to add that to my list..
I added my apples to this box that I purchased from a fellow crafter..oranges are on top in a bowl..nothing to do with baskets..just changing stuff up a bit..
I finished up this pillow..just need to stitch around the sides and add some wording in that blank area and then stuff it.;)
this one is all finished and will be going up on my etsy site shortly.;) I am having so much fun with next one is going to be a log cabin with numbers..maybe a flag to go with it..
I had some questions from my newest followers..Blessed country girl asked about links for food here you go..The place that I got my food storage in the photos shown is Shelf relience. this is, be, if you know any LDS (mormons) in your area..ask if there is a food cannery near by and sign up to go and do is alot of fun..a friend from church mentioned for fresh beans.
We talked about this in our church and they gave us some lists of other places to go for bulk foods..
Costco: bulk supplies to store or can
wal-mart: cost effective supplies to store
the dollar store: cost effective way to get non perishable supplies, shampoo, soaps, first aid, feminine products, toothbrushes, and paste deodorant, shaving supplies etc.
craigslist: pressure canners, dehydrators, water barrels, food saver with jar sealers etc.
ebay: canners, dehydrators etc.

these are just some places to help you get started...holy cow..we are getting a downpour of rain all of a that came out of no where..well I hope you all have a great day..:)


  1. Your trencher is looking great. I added some sheep to mine today. Wonderful pillow. Oh one with a cabin & letters sounds so prim pretty. Blessings!

  2. Wonderful all your goodies in your trencher.
    Have a great week.

  3. Great displays~ love your penny rugs~

  4. gotta love our weather, if you don't like it...wait a minute it will change. THANKS for even MORE info on food storage! I gather more information than I do the actual food, (bad I know!)

  5. Love the kitty penny rugs!! Great Spring your trencher!!

  6. Gina, You are one little busy bee!
    I haven't even started to put my Easter decorations out. What is out, is waiting for pictures so I can list them!

  7. oh sweet is too something to write home about.....thanks for sharing your signs of spring with are a blessings~Denise

  8. Love your easter goodies and pillows and your apples are great in that wooden bin:)

  9. I think the trencher looks so nic in blue and you filled it up so nicely. All your displays are looking good!

  10. Hey Girl !

    I runn oft today with my friend and just came home .. so just stoppin in to say hi .. my head is spinnin from drivin so much.

  11. Oh, Honey, your trencher looks great and the other baskets are awesome. I would prefer 1 good antique basket over dozens of new baskets!
    I hope my neighbor's pussy willow blooms pretty soon! That'll look good in some baskets!

  12. Great displays Gina!! You are really whippin out those penny rugs.8-)

  13. LOVE YOUR BASKETS! & that trencher is soo pretty!..Your new designs for penny pillows OUTSTANDING!..I'm keeping my eye on your ETSY!
    Thank so much for sharing along in the chain this week!

  14. Great trencher and I love your garage sale basket.
