Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

GreAt BloG GiVeAwAy By My FriEnD JeNnY

My Friend Jenny at Wonders of Whimsy is having a blog give away till the 20th of July..She has 3 sets of prizes to give a go to her blog and read all about it and see if you can win one of her wonderful items she has there. Good luck! you won't be disappointed....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Honey! I hope you are having fun this weekend!


