Here are my latest creations! Flour sack towels with kittys (what else) and the days of the week..I am posting them on Ebay shortly...but wanted to put my 2 cents in on my blog for today...

I have so many ideas cooking in my brain right now of stuff I want to embroider on.. dolls to make if I could just get myself unglued from this computer..honestly, I could surf all day long and be happy...but then would wonder where the day wonder why I don't have time to craft..gotta get my nose out of this computer..but I love reading others blogs. I think I read 30 daily...although some of you could blog more...and answer your replys would be nice too...I just read a nice blog Living Beautifully and it got me thinking about being thankful...especially to the lord...He gives us so much and doesn't ask for much...I am thankful everyday for my food, clothing and shelter and my husband who takes excellent care of me and of course our babys...they bring so much joy into our lives...I am thankful too for my good health and being able to be at home at the moment and doing what I love to do...we have wonderful neighbors and friends here...On friday we had out home teachers over for dinner...3 brothers and one wife..(one brother just got married) and we love them all and we always have so much fun when they come over once a month...gotta have em for dinner and boy can they eat...then last night we had the next door neighbors over for leftovers and UNO...we played one hand that lasted for 2 straight hours...then Drew got tired and let his Wife Winnie win...I had uno 5 times and then would get a mess of cards back in my was so much fun...we always have fun with them...anyway...I am thankful for a lot and and grateful for a lot too...Ihope you are all having a wonderful sunday with your loved ones.. Take care and talk to you all soon.
I have so many ideas cooking in my brain right now of stuff I want to embroider on.. dolls to make if I could just get myself unglued from this computer..honestly, I could surf all day long and be happy...but then would wonder where the day wonder why I don't have time to craft..gotta get my nose out of this computer..but I love reading others blogs. I think I read 30 daily...although some of you could blog more...and answer your replys would be nice too...I just read a nice blog Living Beautifully and it got me thinking about being thankful...especially to the lord...He gives us so much and doesn't ask for much...I am thankful everyday for my food, clothing and shelter and my husband who takes excellent care of me and of course our babys...they bring so much joy into our lives...I am thankful too for my good health and being able to be at home at the moment and doing what I love to do...we have wonderful neighbors and friends here...On friday we had out home teachers over for dinner...3 brothers and one wife..(one brother just got married) and we love them all and we always have so much fun when they come over once a month...gotta have em for dinner and boy can they eat...then last night we had the next door neighbors over for leftovers and UNO...we played one hand that lasted for 2 straight hours...then Drew got tired and let his Wife Winnie win...I had uno 5 times and then would get a mess of cards back in my was so much fun...we always have fun with them...anyway...I am thankful for a lot and and grateful for a lot too...Ihope you are all having a wonderful sunday with your loved ones.. Take care and talk to you all soon.
Those are adorabl! Have a fun week! ~
Your embroidary is lovely! I've never tried, maybe I should... Mm, love UNO!