Well today is my birthday! so I thought I would share some photos with you all... the top left corner I am in 5th grade and that was my favorite cow pin with perfume from Avon..I still have it..the next photo I am in 9th grade and stole my sisters shirt for this photo...I put it back so she wouldn't know..but I think she knew...The upper right photo is of me in the 3rd grade I look like a bug with antenna's...I hated that photo...I liked a girls hair and was trying to copy hers and she was one of those girls with gorgeous hair and hers was little pony tails mine just look like bug antennas...the middle photo not sure might have been 8th grade..The 2 lower photos, I was 5 and in kindergarten...look how shy I was...and the photo to the right is me and my little sister Melanie in one of those booths just hamming it up...

okay these photos above are when I was born on May 12, 1963...on Mothers day that year. There were 8 babys born that day in the hospital. I came a 4 in the morning...I am soooooooo not a morning person...lol...the photo above that one I was 2.
I will update you later with more photos of me through the years...
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