Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

GrEaT ShOppIng and OtHer Fun Stuff!

Hello there Kids,
Well we changed the living room around and it only took the whole day to do it, and only to discover that it wouldn't really work, the way I had invisioned it...Our couch and chaise are exactly the width of the room, so unless we were willing to hope over the couch everytime we wanted to sit down, it just isn't going to work...Maybe if I was alittle younger and more still wouldn't the only thing we can do is flip the furniture from one wall to the other...and that is still boring...I love angles, but it won't work in this back to square one the original way we had it...POOH...oh well..but at least if we ever move the house is cable ready on any out with Kimmy this week looking for some summer clothes...OH MY GoSH did they have the ugliest stuff in the stores...went to 3 different dept stores only to find huge floral and bright lime green or tangerine...Not my style...and what is it about the larger sizes....I don't like showing my "guns" off to the world... and you would think in the larger sized stores they would at least make 3/4 inch sleeves..OH NO!!!! I am sorry, I don't want to look at some fat arms hanging out of shirts and I certainly don't want my hanging out all over...if I had nice slender arms that would be different..but I don' start making some styles that look nice and flatter us for the fuller figure kind of gal...Okay I am off my soap box today went to Fred Meyers and they had some decent clothing and all was 50% off, cause of their founders day sale.. so I got some tops and some old ones as much as I love them...are falling apart and will walk away when I am not looking...Remember the Movie "Mr. Mom"? the old flannel shirt he had...well that would be my jammies...They have paint on them.. holes in them...I use them to craft with and to do gardening with...I know, I should get dressed, right? well if I am in my jammies and go outside for a minute..then it is quickly followed by another minute and then I start picking weeds and before you know it, I have been outside for a while...:) I also went to Goodwill and Value Village and found some cute books to list on Ebay...They are the golden books and they are so cute...I bout a tin as well and some wool sweaters to cut up and use in my crafting or shrink them and make today was just me myself and I was a nice day out...The garden is filling out and is looking gorgeous if I do say so myself...did a little weed burning today...always makes me feel better.. Our lettuce is popping out and the potatoes are growing as well...

Did anyone see the 3 part series on Masterpiece theatre called "CRANFORD"? OH that was so flipping good...I love period type shows.. and this one right up there with pride and prejudice...the series not the movie...Another movie that we saw recently that we really liked is "I am Legend" with Will Smith..I like his movies...he is good...Well that is it for me...let me know what you are all up to...
Have a wonderful rest of your day :)

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