Hello there Folks,
I have been tagged by my blogger friend Janna at Country Porch Creations...Man is this going to be hard...trying to think of 5 things no one knows about me..I am going to have to think about this...You know I don't get paid to think....heeeehhhee...
First off I will let you know how I came to my Web/blogger name...I love Cats and wanted something to depict that. I saw a sign that is in the Country primitives catolog and it Said Cat Nap Inn...So that is how Cat Nap Inn Primitives was born.. I have cat memrobillia all over the house and the yard too...you can never go wrong with gifts for me...just get something cat related.. or just give me a cat...Cats are like lays potato chips, you can't have just one...
Okay on with the show.....5 things about me...
1. I used to be a hair dresser...
2. I love to decorate and wish I could have been a designer..learned this alittle too late...
3. Hated School
4. Was named after the Italian Actress Gina Lolabridgita but my maiden name is Davis like the
other Actress Geena Davis...told you I was digging...:)
5. I was the class clown...
okay, now aren't you all totally bored out of your minds or what...
On a funny note. I gave my next door neighbor a friendship starter and she was on day 6 and all was going well...until her dog Jasmine discovered it and ate the whole thing...there wasn't any mess at all.. my neighbor called and asked me where her starter was...and I said I don't know...her husband thought maybe I took it home, but couldn't imagine why...but I found a baggie on the dogs bed (I watch her a couple days a week) and thought nothing of it...she got up on the counter and dragged it over to her bed and was in heaven....licked it clean...no evidence...just hope she didn't get diarrhea....so on Saturday I am giving my neighbor another friendship starter...
I have been cleaning and organizing again...Getting ready for a huge garage sale here at my home on April 18th and 19th...I am not hanging on to anything any longer...don't want to be a pack rat....Well I have my work cut out for me in the upcoming weeks getting ready for this sale..I truly hate pricing stuff...but it needs to be done...
On another note I painted my bedroom a pretty sage green called "crisp Celery" and it turned out really nice.. will post a before and after when I get the curtains done...and will post a photo of the bathroom as well...Well we had a glorious day today...love spring...love sunshine...love when something sells on ebay...:)did I say that outloud...yes I did...going to be hanging out with my bestest girlfriend tomorrow..We are going to lunch and go window shopping and maybe find some trinkets for crafting along the way...who knows.. I just know that I love my best friend and getting to hang out with her as we are such goof balls and always have so much fun together and she always makes me laugh...(thats the best part)...so will keep you posted until then have a wonderful rest of your wednesday...
okay Now its your turn: I am tagging you and hope you will play along:
Random Crap in life
Butt Uglee
Rusty Creek Primitives
vermont Harvest Primitives
CountryFolk Keepsakes
Tennessee Ridge Primitives
Kentucky Primitives
Posie Gets Cozy
Ta Ta for now...
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