Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

HoLy MaCaRoNi Can YoU SaY ItS CoLd OuTsiDe

Well This is just the weirdest SprinG we have ever had! They say we made history with this one...that it has never snowed like this in this time of actually snowed on friday night...and now Kimmy and I know why we were freezing our butts off in the garage that day...we were doing our garage sale on friday and saturday from 10-5 both days and at 1:30pm on friday we called it a day...we were both so cold and the little space heater was doing its best but it wasn't good enough so we headed for the house for some hot soup...(a saying that we had growing up and my husband is going to say you didn't put that in your blog did you?) we used to say when we were having soup, it was do you want some soup to make you TMI for some of you...oh well...anyway saturday was a better day but not by much...I had so much stuff for this sale and was really hoping to make at least a couple hundred and when all was said and done I made was all good though as it will go towards my new machine...and the rest got packed in the truck cause its going to the thrift does the upper portion of the garage look it...feels so good getting rid of stuff....I did find alot of stuff from my childhood that I want to put on the auction block though...but seeing as they are not selling on ebay right now...probably wouldn't be worth it..I found my barbie airplane. biffy boy beans doll and my barbie tent..and some little books that were the cartoon kind...loved those books...I got them at christmas and couldn't wait to read old stuffed Mickey Mouse that used to talk...I loved him... he is loved...

Here are some photos of the snow we got...some places got a couple of inches ours was a tracing...and all the stores are out of pressed had to buy those hard kinds that we usually get the fire going with...I tell you the consensus is we are all tired of this weather...we want spring and some gorgeous sunny days...I think we are going to blink and it will be summer...oh well.

Well I had better go and get our dinner ready as it won't make itself...where is that easy button when you need it...Have a wonderful week....:)you all will get to hear my commentary on the snow...should have been a newscaster....NOT!!!...this was filmed in my craftroom over looking my neighbors yard...

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