Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It Was A DaRk anD StoRmY NiGhT...

Good Friday morning!!! well at least it is for me..I have been battling "the passing of the kidney stones" for 64 hours and 25 minutes..but whose precisely 4:25am this morning I passed 4 stones..I think there is still something in there..but I do feel so much better..see the "black" one in there? well it is bigger then all 10 I have passed so far..
not a great picture..but at least I feel better..and it was a stormy day..just rain and a bit of
I ordered some books about a week ago and they came on tuesday..I am reading the one on the right...and it seems pretty easy to now I have to get list going and go and purchase and get this ball rolling..been at a stand still and with all the bloating from the stones..I don't want to get on the scales..the one on the left..has the same foods but they cut the calories in half...
can't wait to read these as we can grow a better veggie garden..and have a prettier one to boot..
this is what I worked on all day yesterday..have it 95% done..just need to sew on the stems, leaves and do the boarder..I am making this for that gal that sent me a check and said make her something..she lives in alaska, loves flowers, berry picking has a log home and has black bears in her area..I think I nailed this one..I love it..
I machine embroidered this took about 2 hours..
I used a cookie cutter to make the moose..
and the bear..
the strawberries and flowers are sizzix..the pennys I purchased on line...I hope she likes it..;)
these 2 that I showed you will be going on need to do the blanket stitch on them and they will go in my etsy store..then its on to more projects..Cindy gave me a great book recently and I have copied a bunch of pages so I can make my designs up now...I have something else I want to work on..a wall hanging of sorts..well that is it for me..take care and have a great weekend..Thank you for your prayers and well wishes..I know my prayers were answered both nights...:)


  1. Soooo...that's what the little evil buggers look like! Glad you are on the home stretch. Your runner is lovely! ~*~Lisa

  2. Holy Moley girl!!!! Those are nasty lookin! Steve only passes one at a time and you'd think the world was coming to an end. LOL. Hope you feel 100% soon. Hey maybe another motorcycle trip will to the trick.


  3. thanks for sharing! and glad you made it through the storm!!!

  4. Ouch! Just ... ouch!

    You are a stitchin fool woman! Awesome!!!! Love that cabiney one! She is going to be very happy!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. Gina,

    You are too funny! When I read the time and date in your post, it was almost like you were the proud momma of 4 bouncing baby kidney stones! Yes, I do have a wicked sense of humor! Anyway, good thing you finally got them out.

    The moose penny rug is cute. I'm sure the gal will love it.

    Good luck with the food changes. I'm still doing Atkins...which can be a killer to stay on but with 20#'s down and 14 more to go, I am determined. Don't worry about what the scale says right now, just get back on track and keep'll get there.



  6. Happy Stone Passing!

    But seriously? Those things are terrifying! I can't believe you had to pass them. I shudder just thinking about it. Are you okay/ Good grief!

  7. I'm glad to see your getting rid of those stones, and they really do look like little stones! I love that awesome penny rug, it is just gorgeous!!!! enjoy your new books;)

  8. Love the pennyrug...I agree that you nailed it!!
    Glad to hear that you passed those stones.
    I've gained 7lbs since my back problems started in Feb. Now I have to get it back off.
    Take care and have a good weekend.

  9. ouch-ouch-ouch! that had to hurt like he**! you can't help but hope this is over.....
    love your new work. so you're going to make patterns now?! a lot of people sell them successfully and yours would be OOAK.
    do you have time to read? you are awfully busy with your creating. I think you are already beautiful. don't go overboard with this diet stuff.
    love you,★Linda★

  10. Thank the lord you passed those little boggers.. I know that 64 hours was one you never wish to repeat..God willing you won't have to!
    I think I mentioned I get stones in strange places like my saliva glands. I had one the size of a pea completely plug the duct and five smaller ones in the gland. It was so bad they removed the gland totally about 8 yrs ago. So I know your pain girlfriend all to well.

    Love the rug totally adorable..I think she will be happy.

    Replace all your 10" dinner plates with 6" plates and you will be amazed how much it will help with your weight loss.

    have a great weekend!!


  11. I have a Moose and the same bear cookie cutters and wsed them for a pattern for some of my hand painted fabric.
    I hope I never get kidney stones..That looks painful..child birth was enough.
    Take care and I love you penny rucs with the nature themes :)

  12. So sorry that you have been sick, hope you are feeling better. Your penny rug is awesome, gret job!!!

  13. OUCH ten times!!! My goodness I can only imagine the pain they have caused you. My husband had kidney stones and was not able to pass them, he was in misery.
    Hope you are feeling better now Gina.

  14. Gina...I'm both happy and sorry your stones are passing! Happy they're out and sorry they're causing you pain! You're keeping yourself busy during all of this...getting lots done while going through the misery! Praying and hoping it's almost over
