Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

ChRiStmAs in ApRiL? and ProJeCts DonE...

Well yesterday I hit the jackpot!!! 2 packages came for me yesterday..and what a nice surprise too...I got one package from Maggie of Maggie's lil fixins and this is what she sent me..2 wonderful cook books/mazazine..and some dip mix..I am going to have to make this up..and it gives a healthier version..which is great cause I am at a standstill with my after I am done here..I am taking Tucker for a walk..we went for a nice one yesterday..and it felt good..and today is gorgeous..
she sent me this cute sign..(sorry for the light photo) says we were good but the dog was scratching the sofa again..;)
welcome to the nut house..wonder how she knew.;)
a cute little amish couple, some winter rusty snowflakes and 2 cute little sunflower candles..I can't bear to burn them..
some prim ornament hangers..the little card says they blend into her prim tree really can't wait use these come christmas..;)
and this wonderful wrought iron utensil set..I have to get 2 black screws and it will be hanging in the dining room under one of my prim is the perfect spot..:) Thank you so much Maggie for spoiling me rotten..I love it all.;.)
and I was one of Cindys blog giveaway winners from her birthday..and she sent me some fabulous stuff too.;)I am so in love with that little baking pan with the painted scene she also sent 2 electric the prim apple game board too..and that little doll..she is holding a sign that says: friendship...
oh can I just tell you I am in love with this has so many ideas..and I need more hands so I can do all these projects..:) Thank you so much Cindy..I love everything..
Okay so now for where I put everything..this is in the dining room..perfect there...
dining room on the curtains..
dining room again..although this might go on the front porch...folks have to know who they are dealing with..
the kitchen counter..adds a nice splash of color to my kitchen..;)
kitty corner in the living room..puurrffeecct there too..Thank you again for making my day just a bit brighter.;)

okay I finished up my little stitcheries and put them on some gingham prim towels..these are going into my etsy shoppe after I am done here..I think this one above is my favorite..:)
but I love this one too.;)
and perfect for autumn..and those yummy pies coming out of the oven..yum!!!
well I passed two more stones this morning..had been cramping most of the day..had hubby beat my back..(doctors orders) helps dislodge them..and then early this morning..I had the worst cramp in my went away and then later passed it..doesn't hurt to pass them..just the inbetween stuff..feel so much better today taking Tucker for a walk and hoping to feel even better..don't know how long the weather is going to stay getting out while the gettings good...I have laundry hanging on the line to my outside drying line..and the Pody is in her kennel enjoying the out doors..this weekend we are doing our taxes..yuk..just hope we actually get something back this year..haven't for a couple of years now..I hope you all have a wonderful weekend..and thank you for stopping by and making my day.:) you all are the best.;)


  1. You got some nice goodies there Gina and glad to hear those stones are coming out! I spent the day on the couch, shoulder still very painful, watching cnn and what is going on with those idiots in congress, UGH! Hope you have a great weekend!!!

  2. SO glad you liked the package. the "nuthouse" plaque I hope will make you think of me and all my squirrel feeding! I have it hanging on my porch. AND I always loved the cat one with the sofa but couldn't use it cause I don't have a dog. Anyway, enjoy it all, you deserve that and much more for how much joy you send me between your fellowship and this blog of yours! Love you! Maggie

  3. Beautiful things for you and your home!

  4. Gina,
    So happy to hear that you liked everything. I knew you would love that had your name written all over it! LOL...
    Glad you are passing those stones. Hope they will all be gone soon.

  5. I love your goodies that you received in the mail. I love your t-towels too, they are beautiful!! Hope you are feeing better soon. Hugs, Lecia

  6. Oh, what nice goodies you received. Sure good to hear you are passing the stones and feeling better. Hope you enjoyed a nice walk. Thank you for stopping by my blog. It is so nice to hear from you I have missed all my sweet blogging friends. Hugs
