Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

PeNNy RuG DonE, goOdiEs in The MaiL, TreNchEr FiNiSheD...

Hey there everyone!!! I finally finished up this wonderful penny rug last night and got another one cut has a bunny on the front..didn't get it started though..
what do you all took 5 days to do this will be going up in my etsy shoppe this friday as we are having a huge salabration/celebration with our OFG TEAM from March stop by and see whats new.. I have seen whats new and there is some great talent..;)
I got 2 packages in the mail yesterday...more goodies so I can make more penny/folkart pillows or rugs with.;)
Remember this trencher I got in the mail a couple of weeks ago...well it certainly wasn't to my I painted it..and it turned out muddy..(sorry didn't take photos) so then yesterday I painted it again..
here it is sanded and with no old english scratch cover on it..the blue is much more pronounced..
here is the finished product.;)
what do you think? I love how this turned out..waiting for the words to I used paint creme colors and it takes a bit to dry..I can't wait to add this to my dining table with all my easter goodies to go in it..;)
if you go to the handmade fair this is a wonderful site of artist selling their wares there and Brenda of Vintage polkadot is giving away a wonderful please stop by and check out this wonderful site..
last night I pulled out some videos that we made of our first house and our second house and our time we lived in italy..and we sat and reminisced watching all the stuff..that we had kind of forgotten..we also got to see our beloved animals that are no longer with was nice to go down memory lane..then at 10:10pm we lost power till 2:30am this we went to bed and I read a bit and then lights I have to pick up a few groceries and getting the back of my hair trimmed a bit shorter..and then off to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned.;) so take care of yourselves today and....


  1. Gina, Love the penny rug. Great colors and the trencher turned out great too!! OLM

  2. Your penny rug is beautiful, love the colors. You did a wonderful job on the trencher!!! Love it!!

  3. Gina,

    You sure are hooked on those penny rugs. It's very the flower penny. The trencher...such an improvement. Glad you are liking it now. I pull out the photo albums sometimes and think back to how young and thin we were! LOL! Hopefully I'll be at least one of the 2 soon...and no, not young again! Don't I wish!

    Have a nice day.


  4. I absolutely LOVE your penny rug - you did good to finish it in 5 days!

  5. Gina...LOVE the trencher. It turned out great. Awesome job on it! That penny rug sure is cute also!


  6. Hi,Gina
    Great penny rug!Wonderful job!
    Sounds like you had a nice time down memory lane~
    enjoy your TLC
    oh, almost forgot Pumpkin Pie says hello~ big hug from him~ he is such a ham and so much loves all the attention!

  7. love your rug and trencher! we recently watched some videos of when our son was little "sniff-sniff" and our old dog who has been gone for 9 years was on there:) Hope you enjoy the day!

  8. That penny rug is beautiful!!! Love it!

    And the trencher looks great!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  9. How busy you have been and some fun too. I love to watch old videos....Love the rug but of course everything you do is great! The trencher really looks great...good job! Blessings!

  10. Hi Gina...the penny rug is beautiful and I absolutely adore what you did with the trencher...doesn't look anything like it did in the beginning!

  11. Gina, What a fantastic job on the trencher, simply love it. The Old English really brings the project to life, I did a tray today, so fast so fun. Best Penny Rug ever, these are really cool, I will have to buy be one if I can figure out how to use Etsy. Love your blog...Blessings

  12. Oh, my goodness! This one is absolutely gorgeous! You have this mastered. I wish I had just a smidgen of the talent there!

  13. Gina,
    Love how your trencher turned out...awesome!!
    Love your penny rugs!! Thank you for the one that you sent to me...I love it!! Will be posting about it here in a bit.
