Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My SunFloWerS aRe BLooMinG..;)

Good Morning everyone!!! The house is all swept, vacuumed and mopped.done by 9:05am this morning..I tell you I have so much more energy now that I have started exercising..I feel good..just like I knew that I would now!!! (does a song come to mind?)
Did I get your attention with the title? lol..I decided to move these sunflowers to the front yard..last year they were in the veggie garden..and since we have ripped out alot in the front yard I decided to put them there..they are sitting amongst the orange day lilies..We ripped all of it out or so we thought..and this is what has come we will keep an eye on them..and let them go for a bit..I love this little area now.;)
here they are from my craft window..Well yesterday my friend Heather decided to come over to my place so we went for a walk..we did the 2-1/2 mile walk is always nicer to go with someone..and it was great to visit with my friend too.:)
I am down 12 pounds now..and I am feeling so good..going grocery shopping with Sarah today to our Commissary..their prices are so much better and we are hitting Joanns too..I have been working on my little garden gloves at night..have 2 done and 2 more just to stitch around the hand..then off they go to some of my blogging buddies...I want to thank Theresa who commented yesterday on my blog for the wonderful compliment..heck I will thank all of you for the wonderful things you say..;) I love blogging and I love all of you that stop by for a visit each time I post..;) you all make it worth doing..:) I have been watching the Waltons again..Thanks to Maggie for letting me know it was coming back on..I haven't missed an episode..I DVR it and then watch them later..I love this show...and love the simplicity in which they lived their lives and now I find myself looking at the house decor to see how prim it is..;) and get ideas too.;) do you all like the waltons?

Have a wonderful day everyone.;)


  1. Good for you Gina. I need to get back to walking too.
    You are always so productive.
    I just did an online Joann's order.
    Don't forget your coupon!

  2. Yes I love the Waltons...watched the show when it originally aired then Don and I watched reruns. I like that it was based on a family from parents, my sister and I lived through those times, so it brings back memories. Yes you did "catch" me with your sunflowers blooming...but I like the decorative ones in your flower bed too! I still decorate inside with sunflowers even though the sunflower era ended sometime ago. I find things in the thrift stores!

  3. Gina~ the garden is coming along~ gives me hope for my neck of the woods~ still need more warm days!
    So glad to hear you are feeling good~ way to go with the weight & walking!
    Big Hug to you girl!!

  4. I used to watch the Waltons..."Night johnboy...Night Mary Ellen.." LOL!!!! I love your sunflowers and CONGRATS on the 12 lbs girlfriend, that is AMAZING!!!!!! Found out today I'll be getting surgery on my shoulder on April 6, so I'm right behind you, I'll be getting rid of some bone spurs as you get rid of your stones;) Have a great day!!!

  5. You are doing so good on your healthy lifestyle. 12 pounds is amazing! I did not know The Waltons were back on - I'll have to check them out. It's been a long time since I've seen an episode.

  6. Hi Gina, Congrats on the 12 pounds and good for you for excercizing! Gosh I would do anything for this derned Ohio Weather to stabilise so i can walk every day. So frustrating!!!

    Love the sun flowers!!!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  7. You go girl! 12lbs wonderful start.Haven't watched the waltons in years.Have a great time shopping.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. Wow 12 lbs! I told you I saw it in your pretty face! You caught me with the sunflowers too. I love sunflowers. Yes, love them Waltons. I think my favorite scenes are when they are sitting at the table to eat. I like to hear what they're having--I think today theu said egg and hash and something else. Leave it to me to like the menu! And of course I love the Grandma & Grandpa. They were a good team for that show. I think I'm gonna sneak me some of the Baldwin sisters' recipe....Some days I could use some "recipe"! ;)

  9. OK, YOu got me!!! LOL!!
    Congrats on the excerising and down 12 wow!!! I really need to get back into a routine too! OLM

  10. 12#! Honey~that is great! Tell me your secret!
    I loved the Waltons. I'll look for them. I prefer many of the old shows to the new stuff on. I do NOT like reality TV!
    For me, sunflowers will always be 'in'!

  11. Wow great for you, 12 pounds is fantastic. I loved the Waltons when I was a kid. It is still on one of the cable channels somewhere. The older ones were the best.

  12. Love those sunflowers!!
    Congrats on being down 12 lbs now!!! Way to go!! The doctor has me walking as my is to keep my back muscles flexible, but I hope it helps me lose a little more weight too.
    Actually did some embroidery felt good after not making anything for way over a month.
    Was wondering if you can get on my blog or seems that wordpress is having some problems. I couldn't even check anything on it yesterday without it crashing on me.

  13. Ilove your house! Your yard is great and I love that trellis. Are those all recycled pieces and how did you build it? My tulips and crocus are coming up and the trees are budding and by next weekend I will cut the grass.

  14. March 24, 2011...hi Gina, check out my blog today there's a photo that might interest you :)

  15. Hi again Gina...sure you can download the photo...I've been meaning to get a photoof it for several months...finally got to it! Enjoy!

  16. your home and blog is still such a breath of fresh air
