Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

GoIng OveR My QuOtA

Hey there my good blog buds..I am/was trying to upload photos for my latest entry but it is telling me I am over my quota for photos being uploaded..has this happened to anyone out there in blog land? if I want more I need to purchase to get more photos here on my blog..this is ridiculous..I had no idea that you could go over your "quota" and then have to pay for it..I can't even post on my selling if this is happened to any of you out there..please tell me what I can do..;)
I had some cute photos of my finished pumpkins and pillow tucks..I will have to up load these to my WSOAPP selling this just put a cramp in my day..:)

UPDATE: well even deleting some of my old funnies will not let me publish any more photos..and I deleted quite a few..will wait for hubby to get home from work to help me..This all I can say..:(


  1. I have heard of this happening to others. What they do is start a new blog. They still have their old is like archives. They post on the old blog about the new blog and direct people to it. Hope this makes sense, Gina. LOL You could have Cat Nap Inn Primitives 2 as a new blog....just a suggestion.

  2. Where do you store your pictures??

    I'm not sure about it, having never happened to me...are there any you could delete from your account or store on a CD?

  3. Hi Gina,

    Long time , no see ! Have you tried deleting all of your old posts ?

    If that doesn't work, you may have to start a new blog. I had a glich on my old blog and had to make up a new one.

    I love your blog wallpaper and your header template ! It's so cute !

    I found you in Scotland while blog hopping !!!! Pretty quaint place in Scotland... Glory River Primitives has some wonderful photos on her blog !


  4. I thought you had so much space each month as I've gotten that pop up before saying I'm using so much? Let me know if you find anything out? Good luck!

  5. I didn't know that Blogger had limited photo storage! That's a bummer. Wordpress (which is what my blog is through) also limits how many photos it will store for me for free, and I didn't know that until i ran out of storage.

    One option is to use to store your photos. Flickr gives you a certain amount of storage space for free. I pay $25 a year for unlimited storage and to use their photo editor. When you upload pictures to your blog, you use the URL to the flickr photo page instead of the "Browse" button that uploads it from your computer. I don't know if any of that makes sense... but anyway, if you want more information or help, let me know. You can at least use the free storage on flickr to hold you over for a while rather than starting a whole new blog.

  6. Gina ~
    I have heard of that but it hasn't happened to me but it does make sense for us to store our pics somewhere else in case of a crash & they aren't backed up. Maybe start a new blog like the other gals suggested?? Love the Christmas songs ~ too hilarious.

  7. OH NO!! I have never heard of that. I know you can go back and delete old photo's so maybe some of your older Maxine's could go instead of your wonderful photographs!! I hope there is a better solution though!!

  8. Gina, I remember reading about that happening on one of the bunny blogs I follow, she gave suggestions I think...I will see if I can find which blog and post it was so you can read it because I believe she lost some of her pics. for now, maybe go back and delete some of your older posts or at least the pics, maybe that will buy you some time.

  9. Oh my goodness!! I have never heard of such a thing!! Let us know the outcome so we'll know what to do if this happens to us. It's always something, huh?!!?

    ~ Wendy

  10. So glad you told us about this! Maybe like Shirley said you will have to start a new blog. That is crazy that they charge.

  11. Never heard of this hasn't happened to me yet! Let us know if you find anything out!
