Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Eskimo proverb

Our HoMe

Pennys, Towels, & Rolling pin Covers..I do custom work..made to order :>)

I don't have an attitude,
I have a personality you can't handle.

Monday, April 25, 2011

RaiNy MonDay..MeeTinG A BloGgInG BuDDy & FiNishEd ProjeCts and WeLL CaTchiNg Up...;)

Good Afternoon my fellow blogging buddys..Today is a rainy, cold, monday..we actually had 2 spring like days on friday and saturday..just gorgeous..makes living here what we got to around 60 and felt soooo good..This last week has been a bit stressful to say the least..on friday the 15th of April my mom was rushed to the hospital as she was in septic shock and got pnemonia....luckily my brother had stopped by to see her and found her on the floor..he called 911 and away she went..they didn't know if she would make it or not..and at 10pm that night they transferred her to a cleaner, nicer hospital..again not sure if she was going to make it or not..she had a swollen colon that was full of bacteria (that any of us could get) but with her being 83..its not pretty..she had thrown up and aspirated some of it..which caused the another whammy thrown at her..the doctors got her shot full of antibiotics in hope of killing the infection in her she was in critical care for 24 hours..we had folks from our church give her a blessing on saturday and that evening the infection was gone..oh the power of prayer and faith!!! sunday she was out of critical care and moved to stable condition..still not able to eat as they didn't want to upset the colon..cause anything with sugar would have just thrived on the infection..however on saturday or sunday (this is in utah) and I live in I am trying to remember all of this..the dietary kitchen had called her asking her if she needed anything and she was thirsty so they brought her 3 gelato cups..(italian ice cups) and she was happy as you please.well the dietary kitchen didn't know she wasn't supposed to eat or drink they had to pump her stomach..oh my brother and sister in law were livid..they are the ones that realized she couldn't have anything..and called them on it and they had to pump her stomach..I tell you my brother was about ready to file a lawsuit..thankfully they got it all out of her system before it could reach her colon..again a very close she stayed in the hospital till this last friday and was able to eat and drink..she did so well in the hospital..she has been transferred to a rehab place to teach her how to do some things so she can get around better (she is a couch potato) and needs to get out and walk she strengthens herself etc..she can't use straws any longer as you gulp when you drink..and she could she needs to learn how to drink and put her chin to her chest so her throat doesn't open ..try this to see what I am talking now we don't know when she will be released from here..I am going home in a couple of weeks to spend a week and visit with her and our family...but we have all decided that mom can't be by herself any now there are to be changes here in the future as to where she will live..or who will live with her in her home..We are considering moving back to Utah to live in my childhood home and be my mom's caregiver..have to see if its doable for us..her home is a 1954 rambler..with daylight she would be upstairs and we would take over the downstairs..the house needs a lot of needs to be remodeled just updating appliances, paint bathroom for her to be able to sit down in etc..more user out the carpet etc..the downstairs needs the most work..but if we take her on..we get, savings, etc..and Mike can offically retire, and we live a mile from his folks and they aren't spring chickens either..but we could spend time with them, and I could see my family, neices, nephews etc..but this is a huge decision to make..selling our place (that I love) here, getting rid of a lot of stuff, packing the kittys and puppy that is why I am going home to see if I can handle this and see how me and my mom mesh with one another...this is a HUGE will keep you posted on all of this..

sorry that was so winded..but now you know why I have been away from the computer..this is how it looks downstairs..hubby is back to sundays and mondays off as the big boating season is starting back to tuesdays - saturdays he is playing on his playstation..we have a fire going to take the chill off..and I am upstairs orgainizing and getting another project to work on..
On Saturday I met up with a fellow blogger that lives about 45 minutes to an hour away..and they are in the process of packing up to move to arizona..and she had some goodies to give to we met in Port Gamble (where I buy my wool) see the red building behind us..This is Lisa of The Davis we are together..what a sweet beautiful lady..(she wants to color her hair like mine)..told her if she does..we meet up for another photo shoot.;)
and here she is with her handsome husband "Mister Produce"..what a cute couple they are..and they barely made the thanks to me..I was 15 minutes tardy..(whats new) so we didn't chit chat much..we exchanged goodies and away the went for a fun, sun filled day..see her blog for the fun in the sun they had.:)
so I asked Lisa last fall since Mister produce works for a grocery store to save me any pumpkin stems they could..I now have a nice little stash of these to make my fabric pumpkins and top off with a real stem..thank you mister produce.;)
she also gave me these wonderful gourds..I will use these in my fall/halloween decoration..I would however love to clean them up..does anyone out there know how to clean off the fronts..
she also gave me all of these little hangers..great to make little quilt wall hangings etc..
However I will never use them if anyone would like some..just let me know..all I ask is that you pay for the postage to send them..;)they are 6 inches wide and 4-1/4 inches tall..
she also gave me this wonderful swivel wooden stand (used for cards or jewelry) she had it for her jewelry..well I am using it for my sizzix dies..way better to find stuff I have it grouped with like holidays it...right at my fingertips..;)
so the wool and fabric that had been sitting there moved over by my computer opposite wall..which is great there too..

I made this last week and just finished it up last night..this will be going up in my etsy shoppe just as soon as I am done here..I really enjoyed making this came from the book that Cindy had given me..and there are more ideas in there that I have the patterns cut (on cardboard) makes for easier tracing..just need to decide what I want to make and then trace them onto wool and away I go..The waltons had a movie marathon on saturday till sunday..recored them I have about 33 hours of waltons to enjoy this if I can unglue hubby from the tube I am getting something to work on and stitch away..
Oh I went to the doctors for my post opp appt and now they are going to analyze the stones and see what they are made up off..he says mine are more then likely made up of oxalate (which is not good)..which means I need to eliminate alot of foods as this is not needed in my the things I need to avoid are: beets, black tea, chocolate (or drink with a glass of milk) so it crystalizes in my stomach and flushes right out), cocoa, soda pop, dried figs, ground pepper, (I love pepper), lime peel, nuts, parsley, poppy seeds, purslane, rhubarb, sorrel, spinach, swiss Ground pepper is the only thing I eat along with an occasional piece of chocolate..just have to remember to drink milk with that..and I only drink soda maybe once a month..oh and salt is bad pepper and salt..those are what make my food gotta figure out ways to cut way back or flavor my food in a different if any of you have any ideas let me know..(forgot so is Vitamin C)
okay foods to eat in moderation..beans, (green or wax), blackberries, blueberries, carrots, celery, coffee, concord grapes, currants, dandilion greens, endive, gooseberries, green onions, green peppers, lemon peel, okra, orange peel, raspberries (black), straweberries, sweet potatoes..
now I can take magnesium and citrate as they are inhibitors for the stones...I am going to ask my Kidney doctor if I can take the magnesium first to be sure its okay with my kidneys.. I can also drink or eat citrus fruit..
as I was talking to the doctors he let me know that my kidney stone (yes only one) was a "Staghorn" type stone..I thought I had numerous stones that he removed..nope it was only a 13mm (just over a half in big) about the size of your was huge!!! and the really good news..I only have 2-3 3mm on my right no surgery for 9 months..I go back to get an xray to see if they have grown or I have any more growing there..if not..I will do this on a yearly for now I am done..thank heavens..:)
okay for my weigh in..I have done really well on my diet this week..I am down 17 pounds..and feel fabulous..hubby is down 11 pounds..we are both feeling better, eating better..better choices etc..hoping still to get out to walk today..but it is still raining as we speak..
will be back to share my easter day with you tomorrow..this has turned out to be a long don't want to take up any more of your time..I do hope you all had a wonderful easter..we did..Take care and I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead..;) thank you for your concern since I wasn't blogging this are all great and I love you all for it.;)


  1. Hi Gina! It sounds like you have alot going on right now... Just want you to know thinking of you and hope everything truns out okay. Have a wonderful day! Tina

  2. hi,Gina
    so much going on with you~ Wow~ glad you could meet up with your "Buddy Blogger~ love the pics!!
    Prayers for your Mother and with all of you on making the decisions~

  3. Hi Gina, wow you have some major decisions to make. Prayers for you and Hubby as you consider it all.

    Glad you are doing well and a big congrats on your weight loss!! You are doing great!!

    Have a great evening!!

  4. How scary about your Mom! Glad to hear that she is doing better now. Sounds like you have a lot of decisions to make soon! Will keep you in my prayers that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. How fun to get to meet a fellow blogger! I'd love to be able to do that some day!
    Great job with the weight loss!

  5. Gina, first let me just say I can really SEE that weight loss, you look AWESOME and beautiful!!!!! I love your hair too! you sure have had a full plate my friend, I hope everything goes well with your mom and whatever decision you make, I will def. keep you in my prayers, I know how much you love your home, and if my hubby's job and my family were not here in PA I would buy it in a heartbeat;) But as they say...HOME is where you make it, but you only get one mom:) will be thinking of you ((HUGS))

  6. Geez you have a heavy load right now! Best wishes for you and your family.

  7. Oh, Babe,
    Sounds like our problems are similar. Really different but similar. I know you will make the best decision for all concerned. You were considering moving recently, weren't you? It would be good if Mike could retire, wouldn't it? Believe me, you get used to them being around so fast. Your poor Mom. What a terrible time! There would be an excitement to remodeling..... There is lot to miss.
    Kudos to both of you for losing the pounds!

  8. Congratulations on your weight loss, you are lovely!!! I am so glad you and your blogger friend got to meet, aren't blogger friends the best.
    I am so sorry that your mom has been ill. I know that you will make the right decision. Things in life can be hard somethimgs. Bunches of hugs, Lecia

  9. Gina,
    Sorry to here of your mother being so ill. I know it is a troubling time.
    Hope everything works out for you. Lots to think about. I am glad you got to meet your friend, a day to take your mind off of things at least for a little while.
    Country at heart

  10. Prayers for your Mom ~ hope she continues to improve. Prayers for you and husband as you're making your decision on what you can do for your Mom! Good news on your weight loss! And your friend you were able to visit!

  11. Gina,

    How scary what happened to your glad that your brother stopped by there. Will keep your mom in my prayers. You you have many decisions to make.
    How fun to meet Lisa. I hope that we get to meet one day.
    Congrats on the weight look great!! hubby took the photo of Peyton & me napping...and he actually woke me up as I heard the click when he took the picture.

    hugs, Cindy

  12. Give up Pepsi and pepper? Just shoot me now! I would never survive it. LOL
    Sounds like you have a really big decision to make, and have a wonderful husband that will back you up on it. What a blessing!

  13. My goodness you have alot on your plate right now. After you visit with Mom, you'll know what's right for you to do about the move and everything. I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Yet you always keep us smiling and you keep busy. My hat is off to you. You look terrific too. The weight loss is incredible.

  14. Glad to hear that your Mom is doing better. We are going thru similar situtation with Rich's Dad. Saturday before Easter he had a stroke and now has to have 24/7 care. Rich's step-mother has dementia. They will not be able to stay in retirement home any longer and will have to go to a nursing home. My nephew is having facial reconstruction today after an altercation on Saturday night. I will keep you and Mike in my prayers concerning the situation with your Mom. Love your stitchery.

  15. I'm so pleased to know your mom is on the road to recovery. And congratulations on the weight loss.

    You have some big decisions to make. Good luck and keep us posted.

    Ali x

  16. YOU are at a crossroads too!! yes thoses are some tough decisions. and we are BOTH having to make sort of the same decisions too. The circle of life! and hopefully your 'stones' will get better news next time. It was great seeing you IN person!

  17. Morning sure have alot on your plate...I hope your mama continues to do good..I know it is a hard decision to pack up and move...I did that last year to care for my parents...I told mama..if that situation ever happens again I will be moving them into my house! I have to be in my own comfort zone! lol

    It is always so much fun meeting fellow bloggers and so glad to hear it was only one stone..and congrats on the weight loss...that is awesome!!! Take care of yourself sweetie and have a great week...Picket

  18. Sounds like you have a ton on your plate right now.Keeping you in my prayers.You look great in the pic looks like your healthy lifestyle changes are making a differnce.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  19. Oh my gosh Gina!!!! What a whirlwind of activity and obviously LOTS of challenges! Romeo says he'll be sure and say extra kitty prayers for you and your mom before he goes to bed tonight. Thinking about you often - glad you have a blog, I'd never be able to keep up with you otherwise ;) You run circles around me, even with all you have going on!

    "Her" and Romeo

  20. So sorry to hear about your mum but hopefully on the mend...I don't envy the choice you may have to make. I do however believe that what is meant to be will be. I wish you well & good luck in what ever you decide...Hugs Chrissy xx
